パーティクルの人々、ビタミンウォーター、青黒いインスツルメンツ、ファンの天才、000000000001、Modul8、Max / MSPの/ジッタ、サイクリング'74、レイモンドコンピュータ、およびResolumeのプレゼント:
VJのDJやEJの実行ビデオで、EJミディのターンテーブルの10周年を祝う - 音楽 - ニューメディア - マッピング - ソフトウェア開発 - アプリ - ハードウェア - 改造 - iPhoneメディアアプリケーション、回路MODS、3Dグラフィックス、ビデオ、および投影、2Dをコンピュータラスタグラフィックス、コンピュータシミュレーション、VHS / DVDミックス、キーフレーム、インバースキネマティクス、コンピュータビジョン、画像処理、コモドール、Amigaの、任天堂のグリッチのビデオ、2次元コンピュータベクトルグラフィックス、モーションキャプチャー、グリッチのビデオ、アナグリフ画像処理、モデリングオブジェクトまたは環境、レーザーのマッピング、人工視覚システム、拡張現実、モバイルビデオのパフォーマンスとより多く!あなたの音楽とビデオのパフォーマンスの最新技術を持って来るアーティスト、ソフトウェアとハードウェアの開発者に会う。
ジャスティンケント(EJミディのターンテーブルの発明者) - マイアミ、フロリダ州からのビデオ。
リミックス誌は、彼が"2099年に市場を爆破"と言っているとディスカバリーチャンネルは、彼を呼び出し、"ダンスミュージックの未来。"国際パフォーマー、発明者、そして起業家、ジャスティンケントはどこかに飢えた芸術家やメディア業界の大物との間である。オーランド、フロリダ州に生まれ、ケントは、MTVの活動過多の食事と、インターネット上で育ちました。ドットコムブームを通じて、旋風に乗るためにボストンに移り、彼はアクション満載のオリジナルのNapsterのスティントハッキングコードを過ごした後、マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)を卒業。彼の技術の限界を押し広げるDJとして、彼は彼のセットに抽象的な映像を実現し始めた。ある日、それは"あなたがテレビを傷つけることができる場合はどうなりますか?"、彼に起こった数ヶ月以内に、彼は世界初のMIDIターンテーブル、DJプレイのビデオのための光学系を考案していた。彼は以来、彼の署名EJのターンテーブルで、全米および世界中で行われている"体験ジョッキー、"として彼自身を請求 - ミュージックビデオのカウントダウン対フロアの地下のウェブを回転。 21世紀に音楽の進化を導くために彼のドライブを触媒する25歳の誕生日に雷に打たれている。ターミネーター3のブルーマングループのビデオは、無数のVJの世界中の間で、EJミディのターンテーブルを使用する。
Twin Cities EJ Festival: August 27 2011,
First Avenue Record Room
Justin Kent (EJ Midi Turntable Inventor) - VIDEO from Miami, Fl.
000000000001 (Emergency Broadcast Network (VIDEO REMIX)
Naughty Wood (MUSIC)
Aaron Bliss (MUSIC) and
EJ Nate (EJ Midi Turntable developer VIDEO)
Nancy Cheng (MUSIC) and TimeSquid (VIDEO)
Jobot (MUSIC) and VisionQuest (VIDEO)
Emmanuel and Tonio (First Avenue VJ's)
Mathstatic (Mapping installation)
Mach Fox (Video Installation)
TEAM EJ SETS until 2am
Sound engineering by Amy Z
First Avenue Record Room
Vitamin Water
Modul8 http://www.modul8.ch/
Resolume www.resolume.com
Livid Instruments http://lividinstruments.com/
Max/MSP/Jitter, Cycling '74 http://cycling74.com/
Raymond Computer http://www.raymondcomputer.com/
Genius of Fun
Monday, August 22, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Particle People presents TWIN CITIES EJ FESTIVAL

Particle People, Vitamin Water, Livid Instruments, Genius of Fun, 000000000001, Modul8, Max/MSP/Jitter, Cycling '74, Raymond Computer, and Resolume presents:
Twin Cities EJ Festival: August 27 2011,
First Avenue Record Room
$3.00 TML crossover
Celebrating the 10th Year anniversary of the EJ Midi Turntable, with VJ's DJ's and EJ's performing Video – Music – New Media - Mapping – Software developers – iPad -Hardware – Mods – iPhone media apps, Circuit MODS, 3D graphics, video and projection, 2D computer raster graphics, computer simulations, VHS/DVD Mixes, keyframing, inverse kinematics, Computer vision, Image processing, Commodore, Amiga, Nintendo glitch video, 2D computer vector graphics, motion capture, glitch video, Anaglyph image processing, Modeling objects or environments, Laser mapping, artificial vision systems, augmented reality, Mobile Video performances and more! Meet the artists, software and hardware developers bringing you the latest in music and video performance technology.
Justin Kent aka EJ K (Midi Turntable Inventor, Miami FL)
000000000001 (Emergency Broadcast Network (VIDEO REMIX)
Naughty Wood (MUSIC)
Aaron Bliss (MUSIC) and
EJ Nate (EJ Midi Turntable developer VIDEO)
Nancy Cheng (MUSIC) and TimeSquid (VIDEO)
Jobot (MUSIC) and VisionQuest (VIDEO)
Emmanuel and Tonio (First Avenue VJ's)
Mathstatic (Mapping installation)
Mach Fox (Video Installation)
TEAM EJ SETS until 2am
Sound engineering by Amy Z
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
000000000001 to VJ at Bassgasm 3
The Bassgasm 3 Lineup released yesterday confirms that 000000000001 will once again bring the videodrome to full life at First Avenue. Veiss will also be joining the group on vids. Headliners for B3: Crazy Larry, Krafty Kuts (uk), Jen Lasher, DJ ESP, Reid Speed, and more!
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

000000000001 DJ'ng nonstop Italo Disco - Italodance - Eurodance - Eurobeat - Hi-NRG - House Music - with sound inspired by Giorgio Moroder Patrick Cowley, Sylvester and Paul Parker, TAPPS, KOTO, Discofox,TRANS X, ZYX Records, Gazebo, Den Harrow, Laserdance.
517 W Lake St
Addison, IL 60101-2306
(630) 543-8377
Friday, November 19, 2010
TRAX Records 25th Anniversary CD Party in Chicago

Join the TRAX Record label as they kick off the 25th Anniversary CD Party at LIMELIGHT Night @ Excalibur, Chicago on Friday November 26th!
The legendary TRAX Records has become equated with The Original Home of House Music in Chicago and worldwide. Trax Records defines its genre and the legendary label and invented Acid House. TRAX Records earned the brand name "House" because of its warehouse link and produced an endless list of classic dance hits followed including "Move Your Body", "Baby Wants To Ride", "Real Thing", "Can U Feel It", "House Nation", "This Is Acid" and "U Used To Hold Me" not to mention the artists like Frankie Knuckles, Marshall Jefferson, Mr. Fingers, Farley Jackmaster, Adonis, Screamin' Rachael and others on the map of house music. Larry Sherman and "Screamin’" Rachael Cain, co-owners and founders of Trax Records were responsible for such hits as "Dream Girl" and "Acid Tracks and "Wanna Dance/Certainly" by Le Noiz, TX-10.
"Without Trax, words like 'Jack', 'Acid', and 'House' would never have dropped into our cultural lexicon...Crucially, without Trax, the house revolution would not have been amplified." - ID Magazine, June 2004
"Their propulsive, slightly sinister yet oddly funky Kraftwerk-goes-disco clanking led directly to rave, techno, bit beat and all the endless permutations of dance music." - Blender Magazine, September 2004
"...Brings together many of the mid-and late-1980s singles that gave birth to modern dance music. Classics like Adonis's "No Way Back" and Mr. Finger's "Washing Machine" sound as startling and as exuberant as ever..." -The New York Times, July 25, 2005
“It's a shame because, in many ways, house is a more purely Chicago sound than any of those others. - Pitchfork"
"Chicago's Trax Records is one of the most influential and important labels in the history of electronic dance music. They've been called "the Motown of House", and it would be hard under any circumstances to dispute this statement. Trax wasn't the only label to produce house music back in the hazy Paleolithic era of the 1980s, but they were certainly among the very best. - Pop Matters"
A partial list of the discography:
12" singles
TX101 -- Le Noiz "Wanna Dance/Certainly"
TX102 -- Jesse Velez "Girls Out On the Floor"
TX103 -- Le Noiz "I'm Scared/Get Out"
TX104 -- Farley Keith (Jackmaster Funk) "Jack the Bass"
TX105 -- Kevin Irvin "Ride the Rhythm [Remix]"
TX106 -- Farley Keith "Funkin With Drums Again"
TX107 -- Vince Lawrence "Virgo Tracks Again"
TX108 -- Jesse Velez "Super Rhythm Trax"
TX109 -- Ron Hardy "Sensation"
TX110 -- Screamin' Rachel "My Main Man"X
TX111 -- Man Goes Disco "Sensuous Woman"
TX112 -- Adonis "No Way Back"
TX113 -- Sleezy D "I've Lost Control"
TX114 -- Marshall Jefferson "Virgo/Free Yourself/R U Hot Enough"
TX115 -- Fresh Dum Dum "Part Two"
TX116 -- Farley Keith "Give Yourself to Me"
TX117 -- Marshall Jefferson "Move Your Body/House Music Nat'l Anthem"
TX118 -- Master C & J "When You Hold Me"
TX119 -- Sweet D "Thank Ya/Do It"
TX120 -- Adonis "We're Rockin Down the House"
TX121 -- On the House "Ride the Rhythm [Original]"
TX122 -- Willie Wonka: "What is House"
TX123 -- Radio Fashion "You Get What You Deserve"
TX124 -- Farm Boy: "Jackin’ Me Around"
TX125 -- Fat Albert "Beat Me Til I Jack"
TX126 -- Santos "Work the Box"
TX127 -- Mr. Fingers: "Can U Feel It/Washing Machine"
TX128 -- Sampson “Butch” Moore: "House Beat Box"
TX129 -- Jungle Wonz: "The Jungle"
TX130 -- Boris Badenough: "Hey, Rocky"
TX131 -- Lidell Townsell: "Party People"
TX132 -- Robert Owens: "Bringin’ Down the Wall"
TX133 -- Terry Baldwin: "Housemaster"
TX134 -- Two House People: "Move My Body"
TX135 -- Jungle Wonz: "Time Marches On"
TX136 -- On the House: "Give Me Back the Love"
TX137 -- Mr. Lee "I Can't Forget"
TX138 -- Mystery "Mystery Girl"
TX139 -- Eric Bell "Your Love"
TX140 -- Mr. Lee "Came to House"
TX141 -- William S "I'll Never Let You Go"
TX142 -- Phuture: "Acid Tracks"
TX144 -- Dalis "Rock Steady"
TX145 -- Kevin Irving "Children of the Night"
TX146 -- Two of a Kind "Somewhere in West Hell"
TX147 -- Pleasure Zone "Charley/House Nation"
TX148 -- Dr. Derelict "Doctor"
TX149 -- Dean Anderson "Don't Stop/Don't Dub"
TX150 -- Frankie Knuckles Presents "Baby Wants to Ride/Your Love"
TX151 -- Frankie Knuckles Presents "It's a Cold World"
TX152 -- Hercules "Lost in the Groove"
TX153 -- Dancer "Am a Dog/Boom Boom"
TX154 -- Evie "Stay the Night"
TX155 -- Rich Martinez "Are You Ready"
TX156 -- Mr. Lee "House this House"
TX157 -- Pierre's Phantasy Club "Got the Bug"
TX158 -- Lidell Townsell "Get the Hole"
TX159 -- Curtis McClaine "Let's Get Busy"
TX160 -- Dancer "Number Nine"
TX164 -- Pleasure Zone "Fantasy/I Can't Understand"
TX165 -- Phuture "We Are Phuture EP"
TX166 -- Mr. Lee "Pump Up Chicago/London/New York"
TX167 -- Donald Rush "Knockin at my Door"
TX168 -- Mike Wilson "Hit Tracks III"
TX169 -- Maurice Joshua "I Gotta Big Dick/This is Acid"
TX170 -- Lidell Townsell "Jack the House EP"
TX171 -- Mr. Lee - "Acid Fantaslee"
TX172 -- Farley Keith "As Always [Ricky Dillard]"
TX173 -- K.G.B. "Respect Rap"
TX174 -- Kool Rock Steady "Power Move"
TX175 -- Virgo Four "Virgo Vol. 4/Do You Know Who You Are"
TX176 -- M.E. "M.E. EP [Deep House]"
TX177 -- Grand and Dezz "You're Too Good"
TX178 -- Scamara "Kisses Never Lie"
TX179 -- J.R. "It's About House"
TX180 -- Samurai Sam "House Japanese"
TX182 -- Kamia "Take Me I'm Yours"
TX184 -- Maurice "Get Into the Dance"
TX185 -- Kipetotec "Sex Sells"
TX187 -- Gotham City "Bat Trax"
TX190 -- Streetlife "Streetlife/I Will Survive"
TX191 -- MTS & RTT "Native House"
TX192 -- Streetlife "Glow of Love"
TX193 -- Streetlife "Tearin Down the Walls"
TX194 -- Marshall Jefferson "Move Your Body '90"
TX195 -- Yvonne Gage "Bad Girls/Heartbreak Hotel"
TX196 -- M.E. feat. Yvonne Gage "Winter Days/Summer"
TX197 -- Humanoid "Slam"
TX198 -- Bart Starr "Way To Go Homer" - written by Jesse Saunders
TX199 -- Ralph Rosario "Running Away"
TX200 -- Over 2 U "Force of Habit"
TX201 -- Humanoid "Crystal (Back Together)/The Deep"
TX202 -- Lidell & The People "Another Lover"
TX203 -- Bazz "Very Well"
TX204 -- The Music Factory "It's Getting Late"
TX205 -- Kevin Irving "Puppet/About That Time"
TX301 -- Fast Eddie "Yeah Yeah Yeah"
TX302 -- Black Man "Beat that Bitch with a Bat"
TX303 -- Johnny Fiasco "Iz U Iz Or Iz You Ain't My Baby"
TX304 -- Farley "Love Can't Turn Around/House Nation"
TX305 -- Fast Eddie "No Other Love"
TX306 -- Joe Smooth "Untitled"
TX307 -- ???
TX309 -- ???
TX308 -- Amber (Joe Smooth) "A Matter of Time"
TX310 -- K. Kool (K. Alexi) "Hot Swing/Hot Summer Swing"
TX311 -- The Fusion EP
TX312 -- ???
TX313 -- United Freaks of America "Get Up Off Your Ass"
TX314 -- Hercules "Streetfighter"
TX315 -- Jungle Wonz "Bird in a Gilded Cage"
TX316 -- Ramovia "Your Love"
TX317 -- Pound "Move Yo' Body Again"
TX404 -- Adonis "Basement Jazz Remixes"
TX417 -- David Chong "There is no place / Our Last Chance"
TX418 -- Hydraulic Funk "Flash Light/Godzilla/Godzilla Rap (Feat. Afrika Bambaataa & M.C. G.L.O.B.E.)"
TX419 -- Dave Robertson "Liquidity & Warmth/Loss of a Love"
TX420 -- Maurice "Desires"
TX421 -- Frankie Knuckles "Waiting on my Angel" (2002)
TX467 -- Various Artists "Best of Movi' Record Vol. 1"
TX468 -- David Chong "Auto Ed"
TX476 -- Mr. Fingers "The complete can you feel i(Martin Luther King RX)"
TX486 -- Screamin' Rachel "Don't make me lonely"
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Italo Disco in Chicago

Italo Disco Night at Antipasto!
000000000001 bringing the heat with Italo Disco - Italodance - Eurodance - Eurobeat - Hi-NRG - House Music in one of the biggest Italian neighborhoods in the Chicago area. Come dance the night away to the retro movement that is at the root of electronic and pop music.
517 W Lake St
Addison, IL 60101-2306
(630) 543-8377
Friday, October 15, 2010
Hellraiser: A Halloween Event
Saturday, October 30 at 9:30pm - October 31 at 2:00am
Raise hell by dressing up and listening to the electro industrial sounds at First Avenue - Record Room, DJs include:
Jamez - Hellraising opening set (all-vinyl)
The Cenobites - Jobot vs. Ryan Simatic (Techno, Electro, Industrial, basically, awesome Halloween dance music)
Video Art by 000000000001 - Video killed the radio star.
Slow Derek - Something for your Mind.
Hardchrome - A special Halloween closer for those who party to the end.
Costumes! Special Decor!
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